Templates.. CSS stylesheets and inline styles.. Oh My!

  •  03-26-2009, 2:00 PM

    Templates.. CSS stylesheets and inline styles.. Oh My!

    Hello again!
    (this is all for DotNetNuke as a heads up)
    I have been using the Templates in the cute editor and noticed that sometimes if a css class is assigned to a div in the editor that it will rendor correctly and othertimes it will not. What would the correct way of using a css style sheet to control the divs.
    Also when divs are used and a user drags the items handles it creates inline styles. Is there a way to disable this? Is there a way to disable double clicking an element to bring up the item styles box?
    We are attempting to lock down the UI so that users can choose a template and not alter it as well as control the template via a css style sheet. This is important for the over all "look and feel" of the site to be consistant.
    Thank you again for your help!
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