Upload Image/Text Path setting problem with CuteEditor!!

  •  04-02-2009, 11:03 AM

    Upload Image/Text Path setting problem with CuteEditor!!

    I was working on Image and Text upload settings. I have set "security:ImageGalleryPath" to some external directory path not in the root directory. It is not working. Now it's throwing "System.Exception: Unable to translate physical path".

    I have contacted live support but they were not able to solve the problem. They said that the upload path must be under the root directory. Due to federal security requirements this is not acceptable in our case. We must be able to store the files in a different directory.

    Documentation shows you are able to set the fully qualified directory path. So why would it matter to the CuteEditor if the specified upload directory is not under the root directory?

    We would highly appreciate your response to this technical problem ASAP.
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