Re: Few question regarding functionality of the editor and the developer license

  •  04-02-2009, 9:30 PM

    Re: Few question regarding functionality of the editor and the developer license

    Hi Adam,
    I downloaded the trial version today and I also downloaded all the examples today:
    1. The example you pointed me to (UseFloattoolbar.aspx) is not included in the package I've downloaded and I also can't find a property in the class reference that hints me to set it to "true" to get the desired behavior, so; which property must I set to get this floating toolbar behavior?
    2. You say that the modal dialog has been replaced with the "not-really-a-dialog" used in, for instance, the image gallery (issue 2). However, the trial version still shows a real modal dialog when opening the spell checker. Is there a property that needs to be set to get the other type of "dialog" to be shown instead?
    And another question:
    I need to line out my html editors. Getting width and position of certain controls and adjusting the width of the editor accordingly. I'm doing this in the "onload" event if the page. However, this only seems to work in IE. Other browsers refuse to set the correct width and there's probably even an error because any code after it doesn't get executed.
    This is probably due to the "onload" event of the page firing before the editor is done initializing. I sort of confirmed that by placing an alert in the "AddInitializeScriptCode" and one in the "onload" event of the page. The onload alert indeed shows before the Initialize alert of the editor.
    I can't put the code in the "AddInitializeScriptCode" because it needs to reference controls/functions on the page and that doesn't seem to work. So I figured I'd use the "CuteEditor_OnInitialized" event for that, which I saw in the javascript API section of the help file. What I don't see in that section, however, is how to attach the event to the control. How can I make sure that the control actually calls that function after it has been initialized?
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