Operator Console - Error at Login: (503) Server Unavailable

  •  04-03-2009, 2:02 PM

    Operator Console - Error at Login: (503) Server Unavailable

    When my users login, they receive the following error message most (but not all) of the the time:
       Failed to connect chat service:
       System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an eror: (503) Server Unavailable.
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResultasyncResult)
       at LiveSupport.ClientBase.SendContext.SendSync()
       at LiveSupport.ClientBase.SeondContext.Send()
       at LiveSupport.ClientBase.SendRequest(...)
       at LiveSupport.ChatClient.Connect(Boolean now)
       at LiveSupport.MyApp.Run()
    I adjusted the Website URL to avoid our proxy server, but that doesn't seem to have made a difference.  Any suggestions for how I can diagnose and resolve this issue would be appreciated.
    I should note that we demo'd the app on a test website on the same server without issue.  It was only when we went into production that we started having this problem.
    Thanks - Byron Jones, BSJ Consulting, Inc.
     for Josef Silny & Associates, Inc.  www.jsilny.com
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