Re: How to change the default font type and size in editor?

  •  04-06-2009, 3:37 PM

    Re: How to change the default font type and size in editor?

    I'm having some trouble getting the default CSS to apply on my site. We have Cute Editor 5.2 running and I'm preparing to upgrade to 6.3. As part of the upgrade, I'm trying to re-organize some of our codebase to use subfolders for includes.
    I'm invoking the editor via includes in the following way:
    The invoking page is at root level:
    That page has two #include statements that refer to two separate files, one for loading the editor classes (via another #include) and the other for configuring and placing the editor on the page. I'm using the includes so that I can swap editor versions and configurations without having to edit the invoking page. These includes are in a subdirectory:
     The Cute Editor files themselves are also in the same subdirectory. I've renamed the standard "CuteEditor_Files" folder to "wysiwyg":
    I want to use a particular css file for our default editor style (asp.css), but it doesn't appear to be loading. I've placed copies of the file at the root, in the '_incl' subfolder, and even in the wysiwyg folder. None of them seem to work.
    This is the relevant line, I believe:
    editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "~/_incl/asp.css" 

    Aside from getting this to work, I'd also like to understand how CuteEditor interprets the paths. For example, if I just entered "asp.css", where does CE think that is, relative to my code?
    I hope my question  makes sense, and that I've provided enough context. Thanks!
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