Re: CustomAddon dropdown possible?

  •  04-10-2009, 9:57 AM

    Re: CustomAddon dropdown possible?

    I also tried mirroring what gets spat out in the source code for the editors built in css style dropdown...

     $editor->CustomAddons =
        "<br clear='both'/>
        <table class='CuteEditorGroupMenu' cellSpacing='0' cellPadding='0' border='0'>
        <tr><td class='CuteEditorGroupMenuCell'><nobr>
            <span val=''
                html='Css Class'
                txt='Css Class'>
    ... which almost works but screws up the toolbar layout. If I take out the _IsRichDropDown='True' it behaves but is no longer a dropdown menu (It's just a box where the dropdown goes)
    Any ideas anyone?
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