Re: Operator Console - Error at Login: (503) Server Unavailable

  •  04-12-2009, 11:19 PM

    Re: Operator Console - Error at Login: (503) Server Unavailable


    It would seem that we are seeing the same type of error as the customer in that thread, however, we aren't running the Oracle product they mention, so their resolution doesn't provide any help for us.

    The website is a basic company website, with a relatively small customer portal running custom pages connecting to a SQL Server DB.  The number of visitors at any one time is fairly low; less than 20 simultaneous visitors at peak times.

    I can tell you that when we brought Live Support online, it caused a huge performance hit, with web pages loading slower, and occasional timeouts just visiting the website.  This wasn't the case during testing, when we ran Live Support on a development version of the website running on the same server, but on a port not exposed past the firewall.  I was hoping this error was one that you had seen enough before that it would be a straightforward fix.
    I'll turn up the error logging, and start wading through the logs and try to get some good data to post here.
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