Re: Cute Editor 6.3 breaks when in frameset in IE 7 (Partial fix included)

  •  04-27-2009, 12:11 AM

    Re: Cute Editor 6.3 breaks when in frameset in IE 7 (Partial fix included)

    Hi Ken,
    No this was not my example.I sent you an example in which there were 2 pages. The default.aspx page was opening new page and that page was pasting the content in the base page.
    I have tried that example but the text does not gets saved in first step.
    And further also the new code has also causes problem with my previous code already working.So I have rolled back the version just updated few days back, But still I am on version 6.3 I wll be doing the posiible modifctaion's from my side, else I have to rollback to the previous version I was using. Also this version is not working with the salesforce, from design point of view. will be putting some more efforts to get this working today.
    Thanks and Regards,
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