Hi Adam, I've got that all working fine, and will post the code after
cleaning it up a bit, incase anyone asks a similar question for DNN.
Anyway, wondering if you could clear something up for me:
One of the overloads for the Items.Add method of the CuteEditor.RichListItemCollection is:
Public Sub Add(ByVal html As String, ByVal text As String, ByVal value As String)
Using the example you have provided in the code snippets:
dropdown.Items.Add("<font color=red>CuteSoft</font>", "*CuteSoft*", "http://www.cutesoft.net/")
I would expect:
1) "Cutesoft" appears in RED in the dropdown box
2) The anchor link points to "http://www.cutesoft.net/"
3) The TEXT displayed for the link would be "*Cutesoft*", if a user hadn't preselected any text before making the selection.
I've not managed to get the *Cutesoft* part to display.. It just defaults to the URL link instead..
Is this the expected behaviour?