Re: Rich Textbox not being displayed for some IE 8 customers

  •  05-04-2009, 1:48 PM

    Re: Rich Textbox not being displayed for some IE 8 customers

    I am using an older version of the editor because my host hasn't updated the box to .net 2.0 yet.  So I realize I'm behind on versions but I thought it might be a browser setting issue because my customers who are having this problem are running IE8 on vista, the same as I am and I'm not having the problem.  I've tried different settings and I can't get the same result as they are seeing.  I had them add my site as a trusted site and it still didn't fix the issue.
    I'm going to be moving to a new box with .Net 3.5 in the next month or two, so I'll be able to install the lastest version at that time.  I did send one customer the link to the demo and it worked fine, so it doesn't seem to be an issue with the latest version.
    I still can't imagine why it works for me and not them.
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