CuteChat 5 not working with Community Server 2008.5 SP2

  •  05-05-2009, 2:46 PM

    CuteChat 5 not working with Community Server 2008.5 SP2

    I was using CuteChat 4 with Community Server 2007.1 and it was working great.
    We then upgraded to Community Server 2008.5 SP2 and decided to upgrade to CuteChat5.  I followed the instructions, even though they were still the same instructions for CS 2007 (with the title changed to read 2008).
    I ran the upgrade SQL script.  Now when I go to my forums, I don't get any coffee cup or link to the appropriate chat rooms that I used to.  I also noticed that when I create new forums in CS, there is not a chat room created within CuteChat to match the forum, like it used to do.
    Next, when I actually go to the chat.aspx page, I don't get a list of the chat rooms.  The only chat rooms are the rooms I create through the Chat Admin.
    I am curious if this has been addressed, or if you are planning on addressing this in the future.  I followed the steps given on your site and in the file I downloaded from your site the best I could.  The directions had me placing files in the default folder, which CS doesn't use anymore, and recommends deleting.  They now use the hawii theme.  I did notice the hawii folder in the CuteChat download, so I mimiced that by moving the appropriate files to CS 2008.5.
    The long and short of it is, I need some help in getting this working for my customer.  I was told by Joyce (the support person) that it would work fine with CS 2008.5 SP2 , (I asked specifically, because the directions from your site were confusing and I wanted to make sure all would go good during an install.)  Your documentation and website claims at least that it will work with CS 2008.
    Thank you in advance for your time.  I look forward to a response soon,
    Michael Silva
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