Re: CuteEditor not working (http header error)

  •  05-08-2009, 10:46 AM

    Re: CuteEditor not working (http header error)

    The line 991 in include_CuteEditor.asp is "Response.Cookies("CESecurity")=EditorSetting"
    Anyways, I tried adding response.buffer = true at the beginning of the default.asp page and it worked when trying to access the page with http://localhost/cuteeditor/default.asp but what if I don't want to have the response.buffer at true in my script?
    Also, if I try to access the same address but with our local server domain name
    It tells me "The License for Editor is not valid. You are using a domain license file. The domain name in the license file doesn't match the actual domain name (serveurdata) of the website."
    Now in the email we have received, it states: 

    "Dear Customer, 

    Thanks for choosing CuteEditor for ASP v6.0 Link to download the software is at Your Domain license file has been generated based on the domain name provided: http://serveurdata"
    Chatting with the live support, I was told that the http:// is not suppose to affect anything when we submitted the domain name.
    So basically, there is two problems:
    1. How do I make this work without having to have Response.Buffer = true and if it supposed to work without this option in my script, how come the example files and pages does not work on our local server and gives an http header error.
    2. How comes I receive the license error when I rename the .123 extension to JS for my license file and copied it to the CuteEditor_Files\license folder?
    Thank you.
    Best regards
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