Re: Does not Insert Div, Can't Align to Center - Using Editor for CMS

  •  05-13-2009, 4:53 PM

    Re: Does not Insert Div, Can't Align to Center - Using Editor for CMS

    I am unable to reproduce the bug with your editor but my editor uses the code as follows:
                  $editor=new CuteEditor();
     The problem happens when the $editor->XHTMLOutput=true; line is put in. I reported to support a problem that it inserts strange page breaks <br //> instead of <br /> but it also kills the ability to preview, and then go back to edit. After previewing and going back to edit the toolbar is gone. Along with this it will no longer allow you to center text or other content with the center function in the WYSIWYG.
    I showed your support rep  Joyce through GoToMeeting exactly what happens. She said it might be an integration issue but that is the only problem so I don't understand how that could be. I am using Mozilla Firefox 3.0 but it happens to my boss and I with Internet Explorer as well. It was very frustrating using the Editor until I figured out our problem was the XHTML line.
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