Re: Does not Insert Div, Can't Align to Center - Using Editor for CMS

  •  05-15-2009, 4:46 PM

    Re: Does not Insert Div, Can't Align to Center - Using Editor for CMS

    Actually it still does not work in the latest build on my site. Everything works fine until $editor->XHTMLOutput=true; is added to the code. As soon as that code is added I am no longer able to center paragraphs and when I edit a page, then preview, then try to go back to the editing area it does not let me.
    I showed your live support the problem. For some reason there are discrepencies between my WYSIWYG editor and the one you posted .
    Adam do you do the live support? Can you show me the code you are using to display the editor on the page you linked me to - xmloutput.php ?
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