Re: 1 CE Site to manage multiple sites

  •  06-12-2009, 9:33 AM

    Re: 1 CE Site to manage multiple sites

    We created a directory scripts/CuteEditor_Files on the server.
    (the subdirectory is not really needed. We used this structure because we have other software like fusionchart and jupload in the same directory)
    The directory contains all the files and subdirectories and the license.
    In IIS we created a virtual directory for all the websites that use cute editor called cute_editor, which points to the above directory scripts/CuteEditor_Files
    Inside the asp files we use this code
    '------------Beginn Texteditorfeld----------------
    Dim editor
     Set editor = New CuteEditor
     editor.ID = "detail"
     editor.Text = objRS.Fields("detail")
     editor.FilesPath = "/cute_editor"
     editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "../styles/main_style.asp"
     editor.ConfigurationPath = "/cute_editor/Configuration/kreartiv.config"
     'editor.ConfigurationPath = "/cute_editor/Configuration/einfach.config"
     'editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"
     'editor.MaxImageSize = 50
     'editor.AutoConfigure = "Simple"
     'editor.Template= "Bold,Italic,Underline"
     editor.CustomCulture = "de-de"
     editor.EditorOnPaste = "PasteWord"
     editor.AllowPasteHtml = False
     editor.BreakElement = "p"
     editor.FullPageOnload = true
     editor.Width = 620
     editor.Height = 250
    '------------Ende Texteditorfeld----------------
    On our local server that we use for testing we have the same directory structure as on the server and created the virtual directory inn IIS once for all webs.

    Volker Gottwald
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