Re: Cannot control CuteEditor width

  •  06-12-2009, 11:51 AM

    Re: Cannot control CuteEditor width

    I found the reason for not being able to control the width of CuteEditor.

    I am using <div> in most of my style sheets to control the overall width of the page and in some cases background and borders also, like:

     height: auto;
     border-right: none;
     margin-left: 0px;
     width: 550px;

    When I use CuteEditor with this style sheet, I can not control the width.
    Wen I remove the width statement from the div style like below, it works just fine

     height: auto;
     border-right: none;
     margin-left: 0px;

    I think this is a not so logical behaviour of Cute Editor and looks like a bug to me.
    If so, could someone please correct it and let me know when and if it happens before I start implementing a work around?


    Volker Gottwald
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