Re: Upload Files to a Network Based Virtual Directory

  •  06-17-2009, 6:47 PM

    Re: Upload Files to a Network Based Virtual Directory

    Hi Terry,
    We keep getting the following error message when trying to upload a file to another server:
    Access to the path '\\san02\appdata$\ERMS\Training\Requisition ID 100.5e5ffe09-68e9-4b70-9f2f-03043a36482a.File Upload - Sample 4.xls.resx' is denied.
    This is funny because we are testing with full control as a network administrator. 
    The web.config file has the following keys set under the <appSettings> tag:
    <add key="FileUploadLocation" value="/ERMS-Attachments/"/>
    <add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.TempDirectory" value="\\San02\appdata$\ERMS\Training" />
    FileUploadLocation is the actual location where the files are stored - virtual directory in IIS.  The actual Network directory is \\san02\appdata$\ERMS\Training.
    I don't fully understand how setting the temp directory works.  Does it have to be done on the web server or can I use a unc path (see above) as the value? 
    Any suggestions as to what I can do to resolve this issue?
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