Cute Editor is the best ASP editor out there!

  •  04-04-2005, 11:56 PM

    Cute Editor is the best ASP editor out there!

    I have found this product to be an answer to prayer. It's the best online editing tool that I have found out there and I've been looking for a long time. I was fooling around with htmlarea wisiwig for a while until I found Cute Editor. No, No, they did not pay me for praising their product. I like it alot. I'm no wiz bang asp coder kinda guy either and I figured it out. There's some real winers out there. This is a Great tool! The features that it has are amazing. Sure its no Word proccessing application that runs locally, but what more can one expect to do with it online?
    I have developed a insert PayPal Button feature that works with the Cute Editor ASP version 3.0. Works pretty good. I was going to offer this added feature to Cutesoft in exchange for upgrading to a Redistribution License, but I like their product so much I'm going to give it to them to share with those who really appreciate what they have done!
    Thanks Cutesoft (Adam)
    I'm in the process of ziping it up and I'll email it to ya.
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