Re: PHPfileuploader errors

  •  06-24-2009, 4:39 AM

    Re: PHPfileuploader errors

     This doesn't work for me, I changed the GetSystemTempFolder back to the original and tried the above and nothing happens, the file uploads "somewhere" but after the upload the "Uploaded File:" information doesn't appear.
    The MoveTo method just use the move function , so the parameter should be a full path instead of a directory.
    Looking at the source the MoveTo function use the rename function ie. rename($this->FilePath,$newpath);
    If I use $mvcfile->MoveTo("/home/charterh/uploads"); I get this error:
    Warning: rename(/home/charterh/tmp/uploadertemp/persisted.e980b51f-cf0c-48d7-bdbb-a655293f5944.IMAG0084.jpg.resx,/home/charterh/uploads) [function.rename]: Is a directory
    Which looks like the error is caused by trying to rename a file to a directory which is why I now use
    Full Path + filename.
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