Links containing javascript

  •  07-03-2009, 2:34 PM

    Links containing javascript

    Hi folks,
    I have a link that I'm inserting that makes an ajax call, I've tried the following.
     $linkNames = "Gallery,contact us,Yahoo";
     $linkAddr = "BLOCKED SCRIPTgetData('template/fetchContent.php?mode=9&linkID=437&contentID=1&l=5','content'),mailto:[email protected],";
    //Programmatically populate the Links dropdown
    the first call is an example of an internal link that results in an ajax call.
    when inserted the link gets trunkated  to
    <a href="BLOCKED SCRIPTgetData(">Gallery</a>
     My question is: can you insert a function call via the links pulldown like this?
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