I've added the Ajax Uploader to my app using multiple file upload and everything is working great, except that the files that have been uploaded remain in the temp uploader folder.
Other posts in this forum re this problem have had replies that say that these files go away automatically after 1 hour or 6 hours (different numbers in different posts). Mine have hung around for at least 12 hours.
I've tried DeleteAllAttachments which does cause all of the resx files to be deleted, but only if my application does nothing with the attachments. However, I'm using OpenStream for each attachment item so that I can put the attachment into my SQL Server database, and when I do that DeleteAllAttachments fails because one of the attachments is still open. I've used OpenStream.Close and OpenStream.Dispose but the failure on the deleteall does not go away.
I've also tried to use Items(i).remove, but the items still remain as persisted...resx files.
A second, but seemingly related problem: If the user clicks the Cancel All Uploads button during the upload, there are no items in the attachments collection, so doing any kind of delete is useless, but the persisted...resx files that were already downloaded to the temp folder prior to the user's click on Cancel All Uploads are now in the folder and don't go away.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!