Sending querysrting arguments to dialogs

  •  07-27-2009, 8:54 PM

    Sending querysrting arguments to dialogs

    I would like to be able to send querystring arguments to the dialogs for use in deciding how to configure the forms when they open.  For example, when a user opens the InsertImage.aspx dialog, I would like to be able to send a querystring to the dialog indicating the context from which the user is launching the dialog.  The user could be in one of several different locations in the web application, and each has its own requirements for how the InsertImage.aspx should be display.  Session variables won't work because the user could be on multiple pages simultaneously.  "HTTP_REFERER" is partially successful, but we lose the reference when the dialog goes through a postback.  Saving the original HTTP_REFERER in the form somehow might work, but the code quickly becomes inelegant and limits us to a single context from a particular page when we need a context by button.
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