CuteEditor focus using

  •  04-07-2005, 12:36 PM

    CuteEditor focus using

    I'm experiencing an issue with the updated version of the CuteEditor for .NET related to the initial focus by the browser.  In version of CuteEditor, on my page containing 3 CuteEditor components, focus would somewhat randomly be given to one of the three components.  One element was off the bottom of the visible page and if it happened to randomly get focus, the browser would jump down to that component.  In the release, if the component had more than a page of text and itself had a vertical scrollbar, the editor with focus would also jump to the bottom of it's text (In the release when a component in this case get's focus, the component does not jump to the bottom of the text...but rather 'without clicking it', you need to scroll to the bottom of the component to see the blinking cursor).
    With the version CuteEditor I am seeing very strange results.  On two of my test servers the components again get random focus.  However with the same exact source code my third server is not setting focus to any of the three components and is functioning as we want it to function.  I can't figure out why the same component is behaving so differently on my three servers.
    Also, I performed similar tests on the Cutesoft website example page that contains multiple editors:
    The very first time I loaded this page, the focus was given to the end of the text in the first editor.  Every time since them that I have reloaded/opened a new browser to the multiple.aspx page focus was not given to any of the components.  Again...very strange.
    Is there a setting I need to change to ensure that focus is never defaulted to any of the CuteEditor components?  I hope i'm not going crazy here...
    Thank you,
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