Re: Custom config file name generates Failed to Load Menus and how to change "css class" to custom text.

  •  08-03-2009, 9:19 PM

    Re: Custom config file name generates Failed to Load Menus and how to change "css class" to custom text.

    Hi guys -

    MichaelG sent me a private message about this.   It's been so long I really can't recall what the solution was.  Strange that the post no longer shows the support responses to my posts.

    I'm not really actively using cuteeditor, here's what I have in my files.    In my .asp I have ...

    editor.CustomCulture = "AS-ID"
    editor.ConfigurationPath = CUTEEDITORCONFIGPATH  & "asid.config"

    Then I have the corresponding file "AS-ID.xml" in the languages directory.  That appears to be a copy of en-US.xml. Maybe I did that to fix this?  Can't remember, but it would be pretty easy to test for you guys.

    Sorry I can't be of more help. 
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