Ajax Uploader in a asp.net wizard control

  •  08-09-2009, 12:56 PM

    Ajax Uploader in a asp.net wizard control

    I am really interested in the ajax uploader control that you have.  I have downloaded your samples and edited one of the samples and put the updatepanel control from your sample on one of the wizard steps and then have another set of normal asp.net controls on step 2 of the wizard.  I noticed that if I click the Previous button or the back button on the browser after going to Step 2 of the wizard, all of the files that I uploaded are gone and it looks like I came to that wizard step to upload photos for the first time. That is a problem for me.
    In my real website where I want to use this, I have about a 10 step wizard control where users provide various pieces of information.  On one wizard step, they can upload photos.  The way I currently have my website (withotu using your control), I'm not using any update panels on the wizard page and when they select photos in each of the standard asp.net file upload controls and click "Next" it uploads them using standard file upload procedures on the server side.

    Once uploaded, if a user clicks the "Previous" wizard button, it shows them the thumbnail of the photo that was uploaded in place of the file upload control.  So, if I have 10 file upload controls on the page and they upload 5 photos, there will be five thumbnails and 5 input controls.  They can remove the photos which deletes the photo and replaces that particular thumbnail with a file upload controlon the page.  I'm storing the path to the temp folder where I've uploaded the photo in viewstate.  This all works fine, but I want the functionalitiy of your Ajax Uploader control so that users have a progress bar and can tell how much longer they need to wait. 
    I would like to use your control in place of how I'm currently doing it.  So, they can only upload 10 photos total and after that it won't allow them to upload more.  Once uploaded, I'm fine with using your attachment control that shows the name of the file, bytes, and has a Remove link, but is there a way to replace the paper clip icon and the checkbox with a thumbnail of the image uploaded?  That way they can tell what they uploaded and choose whether or not to remove it.The problem is that if the user clicks either the Back button in their browser or clicks the "Previous" button in the Wizard control, the list of files that they have uploaded is gone and it makes it look like nothing has been uploaded. 
    How can I do the following:
    --Use this control in a wizard control and have it maintain the attachment list that has a thumbnail of the image as opposed to the paperclip and checkbox when a user clicks the back button in their browser or the "Previous" button in the wizard control
    --Limit the Uploader control so that it will only let the user upload 10 photos total for that particular wizard session.  Meaning, if they upload photos, click the Next button in the wizard, then go back to the previous page, if they have 10 photos uploaded, they can't upload anymore AND it will show them the list of files they already uploaded.I hope that makes sense as to what I'm trying to accomplish. 
    As I mentioned, I'm very interested in purchasing this control, but I need to make sure that it will meet my need based on the scenario above.Thanks!




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