Dynamically changing secset in a dialog

  •  08-11-2009, 11:39 PM

    Dynamically changing secset in a dialog

    Hello again.
    In the InsertImage.aspx page that I have modified, I am allowing users to dynamically change the directory they are accessing by using a dropdown list that gives them the option of using files in a "Global" directory, "User" directory, or "Document" directory.  This is because, as I stated in a previous post, I have to re-use the dialog that was opened by the user from the menu.  I am not allowed to require the user to close the dialog and open a new one from another menu button.
    The problem I'm having is that the changes I make to the secset object are not being shown on the dialog.  When the InsertImage.aspx dialog is served, if the "User" directory is chosen, they should have complete control over the structure and conten.  However, if the "Global" directory is chosen, the user should not have the ability to make any changes at all. So, I use this to change the settings in the Page_Init event if the "Global" directory was selected:
    secset.AllowDelete = false;
    secset.AllowDeleteFolder =
    secset.AllowModify =
    secset.AllowMove =
    secset.AllowUpload =
    secset.AllowCreateFolder =
    secset.AllowCopy =
    When I examine the properties of secset after this, the changes are evident (these were all true; now they are false.)
    However, all of the buttons are still available in the form.  Whatever settings are set in the page containing the editor are the ones that are applied to the controls.
    Is there a way to force the dialog page to accept the new secset values dynamically without closing the dialog?
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