Cute Editor Visual Web Developer 2008 Express.
I have a Cute Editor control on my page set up as "minimal." The only things that show on the upper tool bar are save, bold, italic, underline, and text justify buttons. If I click the "save" icon it does strange (and unwanted) things to my system. Moreover, it makes no sense to save in my context. How can I make this icon not appear? Here is my editor:
<CE:Editor ID="NoteEditor" runat="server" AutoConfigure="Minimal" ContextMenuMode="Simple"
EditorBodyClass="MyCuteEditorBody" EditorWysiwygModeCss="~/Extranet/StyleSheets/DefaultStyleSheet.css"
Text='<%# Bind("Note") %>' ThemeType="Office2007" Width="70%" ShowBottomBar="false"
EditorBodyStyle="MyCuteEditorBody" StyleWithCSS="True">