Problems with Make Template functionality

  •  08-14-2009, 3:21 AM

    Problems with Make Template functionality

    Hi there,
    I've already tried to test this on your live demo to see if I can recreate it, but your make/edit template functionality is disabled, presumably to prevent misuse.  I am using v6.4 for .Net v3.5 (the 2.0 version)
    I've got the following issues with the Make Template dialogue (go to Insert Templates, then click the Make Template button in the top right):
    •  The new window will not resize, and is too small to be of any proper use.   This is made worse because the scroll bar on the right only works intermittantly. 
    • If you try to open the Insert Image box, the bottom of the box is cut off totally and you can't get to the lower properties.
    • The Insert Image dialogue from this area points to a different directory to the one specified for the rest of CuteEditor.  If I insert an image from the main CuteEditor window, it works fine - for the Make Templates > Insert Image, it defaults to the /uploads/ folder.

    Could you explain how I could go about fixing these issues?  In this state, the Make Template functionality is effectively useless.
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