image gallery not working - all paths look correct - please help!

  •  08-22-2009, 8:33 AM

    image gallery not working - all paths look correct - please help!

    I have just downloaded the trial version of this for PHP (on a Windows box) and general functionality seems to be working OK.
    However, I can't get the image gallery functionality to work. The gallery path is as per the default, /uploads, and it has write permissions applied to it. I am getting the following error:
    Warning: opendir(/Uploads) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\22\editor\CuteEditor_Files\Dialogs\browse_Img_gallery.php on line 182
    I have checked the forum and the help files and this looks like it should work - please help!
    The test script is set up here:
    thanks Toby
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