Re: Cute Web Messager - Telligent Community 5.0 integration

  •  09-10-2009, 1:06 AM

    Re: Cute Web Messager - Telligent Community 5.0 integration

    After browsing to "CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/ViewProfile.aspx?" got compilation error.
    Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS0117: 'CommunityServer.Users' does not contain a definition for 'FindUserByUsername' Source Error: Line 15: string userId = Request.QueryString["UserId"]; Line 16: string userName = userId.Replace("User:", "").Trim(); Line 17: CommunityServer.Components.User user = CommunityServer.Users.FindUserByUsername(userName); Line 18: UserID.Text = user.UserID.ToString(); Line 19: UserName.Text = user.Username;
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