Strange Error When Editing or Adding Pages - With HTML in Pages

  •  09-17-2009, 3:53 PM

    Strange Error When Editing or Adding Pages - With HTML in Pages

    I am using CuteEditor for my Content Management System. There is a "Pages Module" that we use to manage all the pages for any given website. The problem that I am having  is that when I add or edit certain pages with HTML code within them it does not update the database. It will update every other field except the textarea field used by CuteEditor. If I do the same thing on the same server with no HTML inside the pages it updates no problem. Also, the same thing happens if you try to add a page with the HTML in it.
    View the CMS at
    Login with username "ceditor" and password "ceditor".
    Click "Pages" and view the list of pages. Click edit on  "News and Events Page". Then add something in maybe a number or some text at the top of the page and submit. Click edit again to view the page and you will see the changes did not work. This happens on other pages as well.
    Try the same thing on "Test Page" at the bottom. It updates just fine. 

    I have tried everything in the book to solve this problem. Now I am looking for help!
    Here is the code used for the "Edit Page" editor.
                 $PageText2 = $req_page_info["PageText"];
                       $editor=new CuteEditor();
                       //use $_POST["PageText"]to catch the data
    This is very important because we purchased the $400 license to use the editor for our CMS for many different servers!
    An help appreciated,
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