Redirect the user after the upload passing some variables

  •  10-28-2009, 6:12 AM

    Redirect the user after the upload passing some variables


    I need to make some other things after the upload, for example:

    - The user uploads files using PHP File Uploader.
    - PHP File Uploader upload the files in a temporary directory
    - After the succesful upload, the user is redirected to a page wich show it the uploaded images and let it to make some changes (for example specifying some labels or something else). Finally I move the images to the final destination and I write their references in the database.

    The problem is that the user needs to be redirected to another PHP page wich let it to make the changes after the succesful upload.
    PHP File Uploader has to send some variables to this PHP page (for example, the directory where the uploaded files are stored).

    Is there a way to make this?

    Thank you very much!

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