Re: Maximum Size Problem

  •  10-28-2009, 11:23 AM

    Re: Maximum Size Problem

    Code worked fine. I forgot to mentioned we are using the

    <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments runat="server" ManualStartUpload="true" ID="Uploader1"
      InsertText="Select File(s) to Upload" ShowCheckBoxes="False"
                            FileTypeNotSupportMsg="Not a valid type.  Only jpg, gif, tif, and pdf are allowed"
                            UploadProcessingMsg="Processing files.." >
      <VALIDATEOPTION MaxSizeKB="2097151" allowedfileextensions="jpg,gif,tif,pdf" />

    We also had it working until recently. I have tried to change the maxfile. We also have it in a UpdatePanel (yes I tried doing it without the update panel too).
    I can give you the whole code if that helps.
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