Command 'hyperlink' Is Not Supported Or Not Implemented

  •  10-29-2009, 6:56 PM

    Command 'hyperlink' Is Not Supported Or Not Implemented

    I created a custom button on my toolbar.  It opens an AJAX modal popup that I use to insert a hyperlink (I didn't use the insert hyperlink that comes with CuteEditor for various reasons).  It works just fine once.  But if I click it a second time I get the following error:
    "Command 'hyperlink' Is Not Supported Or Not Implemented"
    Here is the VB code I use to register the button during the Page Load event:

    ctrl = Editor1.CreateCommandButton(
    "hyperlink", "link.gif", "Insert Link")

    ctrl.Attributes("onclick") = "LaunchInsertHyperlink(this)"


    Editor1.RegisterCustomButton("hyperlink", ctrl)

    Here is the Javascript that handles the hyperlink insertion:


    function LaunchInsertHyperlink()





    function InsertHyperlink()


    var editor1 = document.getElementById('<% = Editor1.ClientID%>');


    var DisplayText = document.getElementById('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder_Outer$txtInsertHyperlinkDisplayText').value;

    var DisplayURL = document.getElementById('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder_Outer$txtInsertHyperlinkURL').value;

    var HyperLinkMarkUp = '<a href=\"' + DisplayURL + '\" target="_blank" >' + DisplayText + '</a>';



    var editortoolbar = document.getElementById('CE_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_Outer_Editor1_ID_CodeViewToolBar');

    editor1.CreateCommandButton("hyperlink", "link.gif", "Insert Link");


    Here is the button that you click on the modal popup to invoke the BLOCKED SCRIPT
    <asp:Button ID="btnInsertHyperlink" Text="Insert" style="width: 115px; " runat="server" OnclientClick="InsertHyperlink(this)"  />
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