Styles and colors

  •  03-17-2004, 5:21 AM

    Styles and colors

    I have some questions about the CuteEditor.

    The font color option is acting strange.

    When you press the button, its by default red, and if you dont choose
    another color, it will be red no matter what you do. is there a way to set
    the default color to black, or no color at all?


    Second, the style option is acting up as well.

    What we want, is an option to use a function to set Heading 1, Heading 2,
    Heading 3 and normal. Like in Word or other text editors. We would prefer
    that to insert the H1, H2, H3, and <p> tags, but using classes would work
    too, as we use a stylesheet on the website to decide the looks of the
    headings and normal text.

    For now I have used the styles box option. The weird thing is that it doesnt
    allways insert the style, and like the color box, it inserts a <span> tag in
    the second you select an option. Which means, if you switch between options,
    it will insert many span tags. And those cannot be removed. It looks like
    this can cause some trouble, as most of the time the correct styles is not

    Do you have any suggestions how to solve these two tweeks ?

    I would appreciate it greatly.

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