Re: Java script error is displayed while clicking cancel all uploads

  •  12-11-2009, 8:37 AM

    Re: Java script error is displayed while clicking cancel all uploads

    I have the same problem.
    On server side I have some code-behind parsing the uploaded file and storing the result in our database. This usually takes a total duration of 5 seconds. This is done in the method that's set for OnFileValidating.
    I think that the return of this postback is causing the unknown result error and I cant get rid of it.
    If I press CancelAllTasks button which calls uploader.cancelall() there's a very big chance the current file being uploaded is being Validated server-side. So I basically get the error everytime.
    I hope this helps with reproducing the error?
    Its not a real error popup, but an alert I believe and it happens in both IE as in Firefox.
    I use version
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