ChatProvider Error Message

  •  12-15-2009, 6:42 PM

    ChatProvider Error Message

    I just completed my purchase of a single domain license and am now beginning the installation and setup. 
    So far, I have:
    1. Extracted the zip file for CuteLiveSupport (standalone)
    2. Copied the Entire contents of "CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat" to the root of my website
    3. Executed the script that adds the proper tables to my SQL Server database (that is on another server)(tables added Ok)
    4. Modified the web.config file in my root to use my SQL Server connection string
    Upon executing the "Cute Live Support" on my system to connect to my website. I received the following message:

    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process
    request. —-> System.Exception: ChatProvider not initialized
    at CuteChat.SupportService.SupportlsLogonO
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    tMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean
    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String
    methodName, Object[] parameters)
    at LiveSupport.CuteChatService.SupportService.SupportlsLogonO
    at LiveSupport.LoginForm.oc_DisplayClass7.<Firstlnit>b_0Q

     Can anyone point me in the right direction on this particular error?
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