The filename/description is design for ajax uploader v1 , for that version uploader do not support multiple files uploading.
It just use the specified filename when rename the file at the event handler.
the event handler code is this :
FileName:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxFileName" Width="200px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
Description:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxDescription" Width="200px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
Here is another advanced example to let users type information for each file:
the list is the AjaxUploader queue table. It show the uploading files.
After all files are uploaded , the uploader will postback the form , fire the server error, and the page content will refresh.
So the temp queue table will dispear.
If you want to keep a table, you can use UploadAttachments control, and then customize the Items table