Pop-Up Blocked by IE and FireFox

  •  04-18-2005, 9:46 AM

    Pop-Up Blocked by IE and FireFox

    Hello! My name is James, from the UK.

    // Chat Window Blocked by IE and FireFox
    I need a .NET IM component that could be integrated to an upcoming ASP.NET project of mine. After test driving the Cute Web Messenger, I have found that with Windows XP SP2 Internet Explorer will treat the Chat window as a Pop-Up and block it by default; same thing happens to FireFox. This is not something that I would like my users to experience -- pop-up's are very annoying, and if a user is prompted that a pop-up has been blocked, it is very unlikely that he/she would unblock it.

    // Solution?
    I wonder, must the Chat window be initiated as a pop-up window?

    Best regards

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