AjaxUploader: Prevent Hiding of Custom Queue Table

  •  02-22-2010, 9:08 AM

    AjaxUploader: Prevent Hiding of Custom Queue Table

    I am using Example 1 from the 'Create a custom queue table' from the AjaxUploaderDeveloperGuide.
    The code sample works great, however once all the files are uploaded the table disappears. I am trying to add some new form fields to the table in javascript so that the user can enter some additional details for each of the files while the files are being uploaded. If the table disappears when the upload is complete I won't be able to use those fields to post back to the server and the user won't be able to finish entering their details.
    I don't see anything in the javascript in that example that is doing the actual hiding of the table, so I'm assuming it is something within the control that is doing it. Is this something I can prevent or it is it just part of the way it functions?
    I also tried using Example 2, however it doesn't render on the screen until all the files have finished uploading. If there is some way to modify this behaviour I wouldn't be opposed to taking that route instead.
    Thanks in advance for your help,
    - John
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