I'm a software developer working on a web application that uses CuteEditor as its WYSIWYG editor for web page layout. For reasons unknown to me,various firefox plug-ins (
http://www.lastpass.com and the Skype plugin so far that I've seen) are injecting javascript code into the HTML when I go into CuteEditor's HTML edit mode. Here's an example from Lastpass:
- <script>try { for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter < document.forms.length; lastpass_iter++){ var lastpass_f = document.forms[lastpass_iter]; if(typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig)=="undefined"){ if (typeof(lastpass_f.submit) == "function") { lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig = lastpass_f.submit; lastpass_f.submit = function(){ var form = this; try { if (document.documentElement && 'createEvent' in document) { var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form'); for (var i=0 ; i<forms.length ; ++i) if (forms[i]==form) { var element="document.createElement('lpformsubmitdataelement');" element.setAttribute('formnum',i); element.setAttribute('from','submithook'); document.documentElement.appendChild(element); var evt="document.createEvent('Events');" evt.initEvent('lpformsubmit',true,false); element.dispatchEvent(evt); break; } } } catch (e) {} try { form.lpsubmitorig(); } catch (e) {} } } } }} catch (e) {}</script>
I really have no idea what's going on here but it's obviously a real problem for us and our applictaion. Can anyone comment on this? It's obviously an issue with CE and firefox since it happens with multiple add-ins.