Hi Eric,
My upload code is part of a large web site. I couldn't post it all here, but I'll try to paste the pertinent sections (hope this helps):
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Session("puUploadCount") = 0
ShowOnScreenConfirmation() ' Displays some confirmation on screen
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub InitializeUploadControl()
Dim MaxFileSize As Int64 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FileUploadMaxKBSize")
Dim objSupportFuncs As New CloseoutPkgUploadSupport
Me.Uploads.InsertText = "Browse File(s)"
Me.BulletedList1.Items.Add("The maximum file size accepted is " & (MaxFileSize / 1024).ToString & "MB")Me.Uploads.ManualStartUpload = True
Me.Uploads.CancelUploadMsg = "Clearing all files from the list ..."
Me.Uploads.ShowFileIcons = True
Me.Uploads.CancelAllMsg = "Clear File List"
Me.Uploads.FileTooLargeMsg = "The file you're trying to upload is too large."
Me.Uploads.FileTypeNotSupportMsg = "The file type you're attempting to upload is not allowed"
Me.Uploads.ValidateOption.AllowedFileExtensions = objSupportFuncs.GetAllowedExtensions
Me.Uploads.TempDirectory = "~/TempFileUploads"
Me.Uploads.ValidateOption.MaxSizeKB = "50000"
End Sub
Protected Sub Uploads_FileValidating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As CuteWebUI.UploaderEventArgs) Handles Uploads.FileValidating
' This is fired for each file being uploaed by the AJAX Uploader control
Dim FileNameOnDisk As String
Dim TargetDirectory As String
Dim UploadSavedToDB As Integer
Dim FundNo As String = Session("puFundInfo").FundNo
Dim objSupportFuncs As New CloseoutPkgUploadSupport
' Construct file name as it will be stored on disk
FileNameOnDisk = objSupportFuncs.BuildFileName(FundNo, args.FileName)
' Create the folder if it doesn't exist and get the folder path
TargetDirectory = objSupportFuncs.CreateFolder(FundNo)
' Save file metadata to database. The value returned is the integer key of the DB entry.
' If 0 is returned, there was an error inserting into the DB
UploadSavedToDB = objSupportFuncs.SaveUploadToDB(FileNameOnDisk, Session("UID"), FundNo, TargetDirectory, args.FileName, args.FileSize, "", "CloseoutPkg")
' Move file to final folder
args.MoveTo(Replace(TargetDirectory, "\", "\\") & FileNameOnDisk)
Session("puUploadCount") += 1
Catch ex As Exception
' To do. Handle exceptions
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub Uploads_UploadCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args() As CuteWebUI.UploaderEventArgs) Handles Uploads.UploadCompleted
NotifyUsers() ' Sends e-mail
End Sub