FilePath and FileNameAutoGenerate ?

  •  05-01-2010, 1:02 AM

    FilePath and FileNameAutoGenerate ?

    I have checked out your impressive products and i wonder ask some questions below before purchasing the PHP Uploader :
    Is it possible to have the "FileNameAutoGenerate", i mean the name of the file uploaded will have a name automatically generated ? Then after the file is uploaded, it displays automatically the "FilePath (link to display the file)".

    i.e : I've already uploaded the file named "abc.jpg" yesterday and today i've the same file named "abc.jpg" and i want that today file name will be auto generated like to "abc-15465326.jpg", so my yesterday file name will not be overwrited. Is that possible ?
    Other question is : Could i upload the file name with accent ? Like : é, à, ù, ç, etc.
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