Great looking control; can't wait for it to be supported in VS2005 ...

  •  04-22-2005, 8:28 PM

    Great looking control; can't wait for it to be supported in VS2005 ...

    The product seems to run fine under the ASP.NET 2.0 framework,  but any attempt to include it in a VS2005 project  results in "Could not load type 'CuteEditor.Dialogs.GetFileThumb'" compile error.  

    This apparently results from the VS2005 attempt to compile the aspx pages in the CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs folder.  Bottom line is, these dialogs won't compile.
    I've made a number of attempts at it, but even your unaltered demo project won't compile under VS2005. 

    Has anybody tested this with VS2005?  

    Either a recommendated resolution or a confirmation that VS2005 is not yet supported would be greatly appreciated.
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