Re: query reg installtion of chat

  •  05-08-2010, 11:27 AM

    Re: query reg installtion of chat

    Please follow steps:

    a. run cutechat examples in visual studio

    1. download ajax uploader, download link is
    2. unzip this installation package
    3. Open Sql Server Management Studio, and create one database called cutechat,run database script in this database which can be found in folder "cutechatstandalone\SQLScripts\CuteChatStandalone.sql"
    4. create one user and grant full permission to this user
    5. open web.config and update database connect string, the following is a connection string example,
       <add key="ConnectionString" value="server=(local);database=Cutechat;uid=cute;pwd=cute"/>
    6. open visual studio 2005(2008,2010)
    7. click "File"==>"Open Web Site", and point folder to "cutechatstandalone\Web"
    8. switch to "default.aspx" in Solution Explorer in visual studio
    9. right click file "default.aspx", and click "View in Browser

    b. run cutechat in IIS or browser

    1. download cutechat standalone version, download link is
    2. unzip this installation package
    3. open IIS
    4. switch to "Default Web Site" in left tree, right click it, add one virtual directory or application and let it point to "cutechatstandalone\Web",name virtual directory or application as "cutechat"
    5. Open Sql Server Management Studio, and create one database called cutechat,run database script in this database which can be found in folder"cutechatstandalone\SQLScripts\CuteChatStandalone.sql"
    6. create one user and grant full permission to this user
    7. open web.config and update database connect string, the following is a connection string example,
       <add key="ConnectionString" value="server=(local);database=Cutechat;uid=cute;pwd=cute"/>
    8. After follow these steps,you can visit examples by http://localhost/cutechat/default.aspx

    Hope it helps. Keep us posted.


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