Javascript error with smartnavigation=true

  •  04-25-2005, 8:18 AM

    Javascript error with smartnavigation=true

    If I set the smartnavigation of the page that contains one or more controls to true, I get a javascript-error after a page-postback (or sometimes after 2):

    Error: object expected
    Code: 0
    Url: .../CuteEditor/{ResourceArguments}
    I even tried this on a simple page that has nothing but one cuteEditor control (all properties left to their default value) and one button with no code-behind, just to cause a post-back.
    If I set the smartnavigation to false --> no problems
    If I set it to true --> javascript error, nothing else was changed.
    I remember we had the same problem in cuteEditor 3, and it was solved in version 4, but in de it seems to be back.
    Can you solve it again?
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