Embedding Videos Issues

  •  05-17-2010, 8:58 PM

    Embedding Videos Issues

    I have 3 critical issues that are currently not allowing me to use Cute Editor to the capacity I require. We have a trial version of Cute Editor and we can't purchase the product until these issues are resolved:

    1. When I embed flash (flv) files there is no tool bar to allow me to expand the video to full screen size or to scroll forward or backwards during viewing even though I have selected "Enable fullscreen" and "Enable flash menu" in editing mode when I insert the videos.

    2. How to change the properties for an embedded videos. Normally, when I embed an image and if I double click on that image it opens an image properties dialog box. We need similar functionality for videos. Currently, in firefox if I double click and embedded flash video it opens image property dialog box, which is not right. Only way to change the properties is, delete the video and embed again.

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