Re: session error in cutechat v2

  •  04-25-2005, 11:29 AM

    Re: session error in cutechat v2

    Johannes Resch:
    Off cause the CuteChat2 support session .
    make sure the web.config have not set the <session mode="Off"/>

    But currently the page have some problem on this .
    We will fix that issue after this month .

    Here is a solution you could use now :

    1. the UserAdapter code should like this:
    public override string GetUserUniqueName(System.Web.HttpContext context)
            return null;//if the session is not avaiable , just return null
        //this method would be call again , and the Session would be ok now:
       return (string)context.Session["Name"];

    2. add this code into the global.asax.cs :
      protected void Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender,EventArgs e)

    That's all .

    Hope this helps .
    Regards , Terry .
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