Re: I'm seeing some editing issues in FireFox

  •  05-27-2010, 8:04 PM

    Re: I'm seeing some editing issues in FireFox

    We uploaded a new build last night.
    OK - thanks for the reply and the info.  
    I retested this scenario just now it still seems broken on my end.
    Here are the exact steps I am following:
    - opened FF 3.6.3 in Win XP
    - went to
    - switched to HTML view
    - entered this HTML  <p>this is a <a href="page.htm">link</a></p>
    - switched to Normal view
    - moved the cursor to the first space (after the 's' in "this").
    - pressed enter
    The resulting HTML is this:
    <p>this<a href="page.htm"></a></p>
    <div> is a link</div>
    I see the same behavior in Safari 4.0.5 and Chrome 5.0.375.55
    In IE I see this as the result...
    <div>this <br />
    is a <a href="page.htm">link</a></div>
    ...which seems fine.
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