info about cute editor

  •  06-15-2010, 11:50 AM

    info about cute editor

    Hi, i'm searching the better wysiwyg editor for my application. I'm using tinymce but i have too many issues with customization and so i'd like to ask you some things.
    Using multiple istance on the same page i need:
    - to load the toolbar only when a textarea is focused
    - to change height, border's colors and background's color when a textarea is focused
    - to load a free file browser to upload images and multimedia
    - to load a free plugin to insert math's formulas without know tex
    - must be possible to retrieve math's formulas from db to use it in a pdf created on fly
    I need also that all these things works on various browsers, as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera.
    If i'll use cute editor i'll can do all these things?
    Thanks in advance
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